Tuesday, October 27, 2015


  1. MC Father (Elizabeth)
  2. MC Mother (David)
  3. MC Team Smart (DeAngelo
  4. MC Team (Elizabeth)
  5. MC Team (Open)
  6. MC Team (Open)
  7. Rival Team (Jade)
  8. Rival Team (Open)
  9. Broadcaster (Joshua)
  10. Announcer (Joshua)
  11. Announcer (Open)
  12. Ref (Mustard)
  13. Ref (Bill)
  14. Ref (DeAngelo)
  15. Ref (Diego)
  16. Mentor (Mustard)
  17. Exile (David)
  18. Exile (Paul)
  19. Exile (Paul)
  20. Disgraced Wrestler (Diego)
  21. Disgraced Wrestler (Jade)
  22. Disgraced Wrestler (Bill)
  23. Disgraced Wrestler (Open)

We could still get away with this cast list. Mostly. If the Tia holds some sort of audition for her team then we can fit in the disgraced wrestlers there and then we could just have the three exiles and the mentor be other competitors? Or even just fans that get more screen time. 

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