I was sick Tuesday so im not sure how much further the story has developed but i do have a few suggestions. So we know that its the Evil Luchador Kings birthday and that everything in the town must stop in order to praise him, but this doesnt fully explain why our protagonist wants to fight him.
*what if it also happens to be the protagonist birthday, and now her birthday is ruined because the whole world is celebrating the Evil Luchadors Birthday instead! This gives her incentive to ruin the Evil Luchadors Birthday by fighting him.
*We also don't have an explanation why a little girl can kick ass all of a sudden but i think i have a good explanation. It was her Birthday wish!! As she sat alone with her cake she blows out the candles and wishes that she could have a birthday as good as the Luchador Kings, which then grants her the powers to do so.
We can fill you in, but for the most part you just wanna snag some available characters from that list and practice Diego's style.