Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Alright guys, so based on the story we were working through in class today there are a couple things to flush out.

Firstly, how old is Tia when she goes to the farm?

      I feel like, if her dad is in a body cast when she's like 5 and at the farm, and she comes back when she's a teenager, her father would have been out of the cast by then. So, we can either have her witness her dad's injuries when she's older and have the story take place within a few months, or we can have her go to the farm when she's 5 or something, and her father is done wrestling.

     Now, if we go with that second one I think we can have her father be her mentor instead of a random guy in a way that, he keeps telling her no, but maybe she has no choice because el Terible has her friends hostage or something. We can discuss that in the comments.

Secondly, how did the mentor get to the farmlands?
     If we have it where there is a mentor at the farmlands we need to explain why there's someone there. My idea was when el Terible wins the championship he fires his trainer, who also happens to own a farm in the farmlands. el Terible blacklists him or something and he can't find work, so he moves to his farm.

Lastly, after her father is taken out of commission because of big badie, what makes her fight?

     Well, we can incorporate any of these things we've listed earlier. She tries to prove he's a cheat. She tries to redeem her father's loss. She tries to save her friends. Maybe she goes to fight el Terible and her father can't stop her, so he goes to fight him instead so his daughter can't. So, instead, Tia has to save her father and defeat el Terible with her father.

I think this is a big bulk of our plot holes, and if we can figure out how to fill these three things up then we pretty much have the story. So, leave your opinions down in the comments and let's talk about it.

And please don't bump heads anymore guys. This is why we left the other group. The sooner we come together as a team the sooner we can get this done. Let's get this thing done.


  1. Join the skype group. It's far easier to handle these issues there because it's more direct.

  2. I think Tia should be much older when she leaves. Like about ten.
